Santa Monica Personal Injury Lawyers


Do Most Personal Injury Cases in Santa Monica End in Settlement?

If you’ve been injured in an accident that was caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct of another party, then California law may entitle you to compensation for your losses.

Though many would-be plaintiffs are entitled to damages under the law, many wait-and-avoid litigation, choosing not to pursue their claims. They may avoid seeking legal representation for a number of reasons: because they are intimidated by the prospect of litigation, or perhaps because they are worried about the expense of an attorney.

Here at 1-800-THE-LAW2, our attorneys provide legal representation at no upfront cost. They only get paid if (and when) you do. Consultation is free, too, so there’s no risk to calling in to learn more about whether you have an actionable case.

Curious about some basic litigation issues? Let’s cover settlement.

Trial is Best Avoided

When parties enter into litigation, most prefer to avoid the challenges of trial. Trial is expensive, uncertain, and to some degree, exhausting. Depending on the case, a trial could see the timeline of your case extended several months, or even up to a year.

Most important, however, is the uncertainty. From a strategic point-of-view, uncertainty is undesirable.

As such, the large majority of cases actually never make it to trial. Instead, they are resolved through a negotiated settlement compromise before trial ever occurs.

The Dynamics of Settlement

Given that it’s more likely your case will be settled (as opposed to going to trial), it’s worth understanding how skilled attorneys will work to maximize your personal injury settlement amount.

As a general rule, the more “certain” your case is, the more likely that your settlement will closely align with your damage claims.

Certainty has two aspects:

Aspect 1

How likely it is that you’ll establish the defendant’s liability.

Aspect 2

How likely it is that the court will agree with your damages claim.

Santa Monica Accident Trends

Santa Monica — like many cities in California — has been undergoing a great deal of change over the past decade when it comes to public infrastructure and design. These changes have led to fascinating trends in the accident data, particularly with respect to pedestrian and bike accidents.

According to reports, despite city government attempts to reduce the number of pedestrian and bike accidents in Santa Monica, there has been a precitipous increase in pedestrian and bike injuries/fatalities.

It’s a striking trend: while the overall number of accidents has decreased, the number of injuries/fatalities has increased.

Strategists have noted that this increase may be due to California laws requiring cities to establish higher speed limits in areas where traffic is already moving at a higher speed. This can interfere with city safety planning, and increase the risk of injury/death for pedestrians and bikers.

Contact an Experienced Lawyer

If you’ve suffered losses due to another’s fault, then the law may entitle you to sue the responsible parties and recover damages as compensation. As the case develops, however, you may find that it is more complex — and more challenging — than you initially thought.

We can connect you to an experienced attorney who has the skillset and experience necessary to handle your case. Contact us today for a free and confidential consultation.

1-800-THE-LAW2 Digital Content Manager & Legal Editor Posted On: August 23, 2022